Justice for Farooq Norman Simmonds

Restoring Religious Freedom

We are launching a fundraising campaign to support Farooq Simmonds, a pre-trial detainee who has been unjustly denied the ability to practice his religion in the DeKalb County Jail in Georgia. Farooq, a devoted Muslim, has been denied essential accommodations such as halal meals, the opportunity to participate in Jumu'ah (Friday prayers), and access to accurate timekeeping for daily prayers. Additionally, he has been incarcerated for two years without bond, despite having an alibi that proves his innocence in the alleged crime. We are standing up for Farooq's rights and seeking justice for him, ensuring that his fundamental religious freedoms are respected while he awaits trial.
Campaign Goals:

  • Raise awareness about Farooq Simmonds' case and the violation of his religious freedom.
  • Raise funds to provide legal support and representation to fight for Farooq's rights.
  • Advocate for policy changes to prevent similar violations in the future.

How Can You Help?

  • Donate: Your contributions will enable us to provide the necessary legal representation to fight for Farooq's religious rights and help him regain his freedom. Every donation, no matter the amount, makes a significant difference.
    Share: Amplify Farooq's story on social media platforms, using the hashtag #JusticeForFarooq. By spreading the word, you can help us reach a wider audience and increase awareness of his case.
  • Contact Authorities: Write respectful letters or make calls to relevant authorities, urging them to investigate Farooq's situation, ensure his religious rights are upheld, and review the circumstances surrounding his prolonged detention without bond.
    Raise Awareness: Organize community events, panel discussions, or peaceful protests to shed light on Farooq's case and the larger issue of religious freedom within the criminal justice system.

Why Support Farooq Simmonds?

  • Upholding Religious Freedom: Farooq's case highlights a crucial issue of religious discrimination within the DeKalb County Jail. Supporting him means standing up for the rights of individuals of all faiths who face similar challenges while incarcerated.
    Unjust Detention: Farooq has been denied bond despite having a verifiable alibi that proves his innocence. Your support will help ensure that he receives a fair trial and that justice is served.
  • Creating Lasting Change: By rallying behind Farooq's cause, we aim to bring about systemic reforms in the criminal justice system, protecting the religious liberties of all detainees.
    Join us in our fight to restore Farooq Simmonds' religious freedom and bring attention to the injustice he is facing. Your contributions and advocacy will make a significant impact on his life and send a powerful message about the importance of upholding religious rights for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a more equitable and inclusive society.

Empowering Psauntia George

Upholding Religious Rights for Muslim Women in Detention

We are launching this fundraising campaign to support Psauntia George, a Muslim woman who has faced significant challenges in practicing her faith while in detention. It is our mission to ensure that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has the right to exercise their religious beliefs freely. Unfortunately, Psauntia's rights have been restricted, denying her access to essential religious materials and opportunities for communal worship. By coming together, we can empower Psauntia and shed light on the difficulties faced by Muslim women in the prison system.

One of the most significant challenges faced by Muslim women in detention is the isolation from their families and communities. Psauntia, like many other female prisoners, has experienced limited visits, further exacerbating the feeling of isolation and disconnection. These visits provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, and a lifeline to the outside world. Denying Muslim women these essential connections hampers their ability to maintain their religious identity and can have detrimental effects on their mental and emotional well-being.

Female prisoners encounter a unique set of challenges that often go unnoticed. Muslim women, in particular, face additional obstacles due to the intersection of their gender and religious identity. These challenges include:

  1. Limited access to religious resources: Women in detention often struggle to obtain religious materials, educational resources, and guidance specific to their faith. This lack of access hinders their spiritual growth and understanding.
  2. Cultural insensitivity: Female prisoners, especially those from diverse religious backgrounds, may face cultural insensitivity within the prison system. This can lead to misunderstandings, lack of accommodation for religious practices, and a hostile environment.
  3. Inadequate facilities for modesty: Maintaining modesty is an essential aspect of practicing Islam. However, female prisoners frequently encounter difficulties in finding suitable facilities that respect their privacy and uphold their religious beliefs.

How You Can Help: We believe in the power of collective action to effect positive change. By contributing to this fundraising campaign, you will play a crucial role in empowering Psauntia George and other Muslim women in similar situations. Your donations will be used to:

  • Provide Psauntia with essential religious reading materials, including copies of the Quran and Islamic texts, to deepen her knowledge and strengthen her faith.
  • Advocate for Psauntia's right to participate in jumuah by engaging legal professionals and organizations dedicated to defending religious liberties.
  • Raise awareness about the challenges faced by Muslim women in detention through outreach programs, media campaigns, and public awareness initiatives.
  • Support efforts to improve conditions for female prisoners by working with relevant authorities, policymakers, and advocacy groups to ensure their rights and needs are adequately addressed.

By standing together, we can make a lasting impact on Psauntia George's life and highlight the struggles faced by Muslim women in detention. Your generous contributions will help restore Psauntia's ability to practice her faith freely and raise awareness about the barriers faced by incarcerated Muslim women